School Rules

  • School uniform is to be worn at all times. No boots or high-heeled shoes should be worn. P.E. kit should be worn only for P.E. Boys and girls are allowed to wear one stud or sleeper in each ear lobe and one small ring of sentimental value. No other jewellery or body piercing is allowed.
  • No pupil is allowed out of school within school hours (8.45a.m. to 3.20p.m.) without an appointment card or letter from home and a permit signed by a subject teacher or form teacher and countersigned by the Head/Assistant Head of Year/Head of Learning Sixth Form/Pastoral Administrators.
  • Pupils who remain in school at lunchtime should make use of the indoor space available to them if it is raining (i.e. the Refectory, Main Hall, LRC and Jubilee Block).
  • A note from home is necessary to cover any absence. If a child is missing a lot of schoolwork a doctor’s note will be requested.
  • Detentions may be issued as a sanction for poor behaviour and arranged with parents through the sending of a letter home, text message or phone call home.
  • Pupils should not bring expensive items or large sums of money to school. Large amounts of money should be left at the school office for safekeeping.
  • Chewing gum is not to be brought into school.
  • Aerosols and liquid paper products are not to be used in school.
  • Smoking by pupils anywhere on the premises is strictly forbidden.
  • Pupils are expected to walk quietly and in an orderly manner at all times. When moving about the school, pupils must keep to the left on corridors and stairs.
  • Pupils should keep to the pavement and the pedestrian and cyclist access when entering and leaving the school. Pupils should not use the main gate, which is reserved for vehicle access only.
  • If pupils need to take medicine at school they should obtain a permission form from the office for their parents to complete and return to school. Their medicine must be left in the school office. The only exception is if they have an inhaler for asthma. Pupils should not ask for aspirin, paracetamol or other tablets. Members of staff are not allowed to give unauthorised medicines to pupils.
  • Lost exercise books and lost textbooks will be charged for at the current price.
  • Mobile phones, headphones and other mobile devices are prohibited between the hours of 08:45-15:20 (Monday-Wednesday & Friday) and 08:45-14:50 (Thursday)
  • The following is a list of items that, by law, the school is not able to return if confiscated:
    • knives or weapons
    • alcohol
    • illegal drugs
    • stolen items
    • tobacco and cigarette papers
    • fireworks
    • pornographic images
    • any article that the member of staff reasonably suspects has been, or is likely to be, used:
      • to commit an offence,
      • to cause personal injury to, or damage to the property of, any person (including the pupil)