Rewards System


The following reward system has been planned for the students, by the students with the aim to develop “team and community spirit” through “rewarding doing things right” (Wilshaw, 2013).

For the purpose of raising “team and community spirit” the reward system is embedded within whole school House Competition and carry rewards that are a “mirror to the behaviour consequence system” (Peal, 2013). These will lead to a net balance of points being achieved by each individual student with outcomes benefiting the student and their House.

The hope of the Student Parliament is that students will be motivated to achieve great things in the course of each year of their education at Tytherington School.

House Points

House Points are the key element in developing “team and community spirit” through “rewarding doing things right”. Wherever possible, students should be rewarded for doing things right and teachers have the discretion to award House Points through SIMS within the following framework of guidance (but not an absolute list) that has been written by students:

House Point Level,Guidance for the Awarding of the House Point Level
HP5,Only awarded by the Headteacher…~~
* Outstanding piece of work that is shown to the Headteacher~~
* 100% Attendance in a half-term
HP4,* Excellent piece of work that is above expectations (e.g. one whole level above target level)~~
* 96-99% Attendance in a half-term (awarded by Form Tutors through information from Year Teams)
HP3,* Excellent piece of work that is above expectations (e.g. above target level by two sub-levels)~~
* Excellent contribution to a lesson~~
* Help around school without being asked
HP2,* Very good piece of classwork that is above expectations (e.g. meets or is above target level by one sub-level)~~
* Good piece of homework~~
* Very good contribution to a lesson~~
* Repeatedly good contributions to lessons~~
* Supporting others to understand and succeed in classwork
HP1,* Good piece of classwork~~
* Good contribution to a lesson~~
* Representing the school~~
* Contribution to a charitable cause~~
* Completing a job for a teacher by request~~
* Being consistently smartly dressed without being asked

Students can also win House Points through House Competitions that will take place throughout the academic year.

R.O.S.E Awards

The Student Parliament will be the administrating body of R.O.S.E. (Respect for Others, Self and the Environment) Awards.

Through a nominations and judging process the awards will be presented according to the quality of contribution that students make at three points during the school year. Nominations are expected to demonstrate how an individual student has shown respect for others, themselves and/or the environment through their actions. These are not limited to actions or activities that the student may participate in within school.

Each level of award carries a number of House Points that will also be awarded to the individual student:

  • Bronze Award carries 15 HPs
  • Silver Award carries 25 HPs
  • Gold Award carries 35 HPs

Nomination & Judging

  1. Nominations will be received by the Student Parliament in the first three weeks after a half-term holiday.
  2. Anyone linked to the school community (i.e. students, staff, parents, governors and partner agencies) may make the nominations and are asked to provide an explanation for each individual nomination.
  3. The Student Parliament will meet to decide which of the nominees will be awarded and at which level, with up to nine being issued each term.

Awarding Process

  1. The awards will be presented by members of the Student Parliament and Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher in end-of-term House Assemblies.

Curriculum Extra

Students’ levels of attendance and behaviour throughout the year will be taken into account for the signing up to Curriculum Extra options.

Classification Process

  1. In the first week after the May half-term students will be given an options form for Curriculum Extra that informs them of their priority classification based on the following criteria:

Priority Classification,Criteria for Attaining the Classification
A,> 97% Attendance~~
< 5 Behaviour Points
B,94-96.99% Attendance~~
< 40 Behaviour Points
C,90-93.99% Attendance~~
< 75 Behaviour Points
D,88-89.99% Attendance~~
< 100 Behaviour Points
E,< 87.99% Attendance~~
> 101 Behaviour Points

Consideration will be taken of any cases of long-term illness through HoYs

  1. Students use their options form to make their choices of Curriculum Extra options and place them in a box relating to their priority classification.
  2. Places on the different options are allocated in order of priority – with total Behaviour Points and Attendance figures being used to decide where places are few.