Headteacher’s Notes 14th June

Dear Families,
I hope you are well. I’m delighted to introduce this week’s Headteacher’s Notes. As per normal, the school has been buzzing with a range of events and activities. The Year 11 and 13 can see the end in sight with only a few more public examinations left. We enjoyed welcoming some of our rising Year 7 students for additional transition visits. On Tuesday we hosted a Parents Information Evening for Year 9 students who will be going to Beijing in two weeks. What a great opportunity for the students involved. I’ve also enjoyed popping in to see the rehearsals for our end of year summer production Bugsy Malone. The rehearsals are a reminder of how much hard work goes into the production well before the audience sees the performance. It is pleasing to see so many Year 7s taking part in the production which tells you a great deal about the confidence of our youngest cohort.