Headteacher’s Notes 21st June

Dear Families,
I hope you are well. Thank you for giving us 15 minutes of your time to find out what we have been up to this week. So much has happened in the last few days. Well done to Year 10 who started their mock examinations this week. On Monday we held a Mandarin and Latin Taster Day for Year 6 students interested in picking up these languages when they start school in September. There was also a Year 9 Rewards Trip to the Cheshire Show. Well over 100 Year 7 and 8 Scientists went to the Engineering Big Bang Science event at the NEC in Birmingham. A huge well done to two of our Sixth Formers who have been selected to represent Cheshire at the English Schools Athletics Championships. Hayden Blunn has been selected for the Senior Boys Shot Putt and 4 x 100M relay. Rebecca Dilworth will be taking part in the Senior Girls 800M. To qualify for this event you not only have to be the very best in Cheshire but you also have to meet a national qualifying standard. This is a phenomenal achievement.