Headteacher’s Notes 22nd November

Dear Families,
I hope you are well. Thank you for your patience in relation to snow arrangements today. We very much appreciate your help and support.
Thank you for giving up 15 minutes of your time to find out what we have been up to this week. I write to you from Belfast where I’m addressing a group of Headteachers in my capacity as ASCL President. The core theme of the address is the importance of hope within the system. As the great Desmond Tutu once said: “Hope is the ability to find the light in the darkness”. Although it is true to say that schools face a great deal of challenges such as funding, recruitment and attendance post-Covid, there is still so much light to be found in our schools. Every day there are thousands of light bulb moments in lessons and schools are full of humour, energy and goodwill. I hope that you get a glimpse of this in today’s edition.