
Careers Guidance Interviews

Impartial Careers guidance is provided via our external partner Mploy. Ms Laura Bailey (School Careers Advisor)

The careers interview room office is located within the refectory office area in the main block.
Appointments are arranged via the school Pastoral office.

All students will have had a one-to-one guidance appointment arranged for them by the end of year 11. We prioritise students with additional needs and students in receipt of the pupil premium. During these meetings students will have the opportunity to discuss, on an individual basis, the support they need with their decision making, career planning and develop an action plan outlining the steps they need to take to achieve their goals. They will be able to access a copy of their action plan via their Unifrog account.

Students, their form tutor, Heads of year, class teacher or parent can submit a referral for an appointment.
Careers information is also advertised in the Careers area of Firefly and all students from year 7 to 13 have access to informative and impartial careers information via their own Unifrog account.

Tytherington School also a member of the Cheshire and Warrington Pledge Partnership who facilitate relationships between schools and business to support delivery of their careers
programme. The Pledge – Cheshire and Warrington

The Pledge areas are defined as, Crewe and Nantwich, Chester and Ellesmere Port, Mid Cheshire East, Winsford and Northwich, Macclesfield, and Warrington.

Each Pledge area has an Enterprise Coordinator and a Pledge Facilitator and across the whole area, we have a Youth Engagement Coordinator and an NHS Careers Facilitator.