SEND Header Image 2 (taken in Oct 2022)


SEND Transition to Tytherington School

Making the transition from primary to secondary can be a challenging time particularly for those students with additional needs.

To make this transition as successful as possible the following procedures are in place:

  • Transition Manager and SENDCo meet with Year 6 teachers and SENDCos of every primary where every student is
    discussed in detail.
  • Students with additional needs are identified by primary schools and information about their needs are passed on.
  • Students may be recommended for interventions such as targeted English and Maths support, break club, lunch club and Social Skills groups.

For each student where there are concerns over their transition individual plans are agreed. These plans can include the following:

  • Visit with parents after school hours.
  • Visit with primary school staff during school hours.
  • Visit with parents during school hours.
  • HUB Transition workshops.

There are additional activities which involve all Year 6 students prior to them joining Tytherington School such as:

  • Science days
  • PE Festivals
  • Technology Days
  • Tytherington School staff in primaries
  • Tytherington School staff giving assemblies in primaries
  • Open days
  • Open evening

Parents are very welcome to contact the SENDCo to meet and discuss their child’s needs or any concerns they may have.


All students in Y11 have a meeting with the Director of Sixth Form and the careers advisor to discuss possible options post 16.

Students with additional needs can request additional meetings to explore in more detail how their needs can be met post 16 and what providers there are available.

The planning for those students with an Education Health Care Plan will start in Year 9. A Transition Plan is drawn up and then reviewed annually alongside the Senior Young Persons Advisor from Cheshire East Youth Support Service. During Year 11, a meeting will be arranged with the student and their parents and detailed plans are agreed. This can involve:

  • Visits to local colleges
  • Providing college prospectuses
  • Visits to other providers
  • Support with Modern Apprenticeship applications.

Students will have additional guidance in how to apply for jobs/college courses/modern apprenticeships, preparing for interviews etc. on Post 16 Transition Days and through the HUB.
Links to local colleges:

Tuesday 21st November 2023
Year 6 Forensic Science workshop
Wednesday 22nd November 2023
Year 6 Forensic Science workshop
Wednesday 6th March 2024
Year 6 Art workshop
Wednesday 15th May 2024
Year 6 Non-feeder Extra Transition workshop
Wednesday 26th June 2024
Year 6 Information Evening
Monday 8th July 2024
Year 6 Taster Day