Logging into a FreedomTech Chromebook with a Personal Account

Prerequisite Information:

  • You will need a google account to log into the Chromebooks. If you have a gmail account or a smartphone, you will already have a google account. 
  • A personal account can only be used to log into the Freedomtech Chromebooks outside of the hours of 8AM – 4PM, Monday – Friday. 

Step 1:

On your Chromebook login screen (Shown in the screenshot below, click on the “Enter Google Account Info” button in the bottom right corner.

Step 2:

Next you will be asked to enter your email address, this should be done using your personal email address. Following this, you will also be prompted to enter your password. This should be the password to your personal email account. This is shown by the following two screenshots.

Step 3:

You may have multi-factor authentication set up for your google account, if this is the case, you may be asked to confirm whether it is really you logging into the device. 
If this is the case, you will see the screen below (or a similar screen, and may receive an email, text or notification on your smartphone.) Follow the instructions given to continue.

Step 4:

You will then be asked to review and accept the terms and conditions, and select what happens to your data stored and transmitted from the device. Please read these and select the appropriate options you require. Then scroll down and click the accept and continue button, shown in the second screenshot.

Step 5:

The next step is to review how your data is synced between your Chromebook and other Chromebooks, or the web browser. 
You may tick the option to review these settings after setup, but this is not necessary.

Step 6:

Your next option is to choose whether to set a password specifically to access this Chromebook. While you can do this if you wish, we would recommend to simply use your google account password, as this will likely be easier for you to remember, and you are less likely to be locked out of the device.

Step 7:

You may also choose to set up a PIN to access your Chromebook. As with the previous step, you can do this if you wish, but your google account password may be more secure. If you do wish to skip this step, simply click the “Skip” button in the bottom right corner.

Step 8:

This next screen will ask you to review some options to personalise your Chromebook. Select any of the options shown on screen to show more information or adjust the settings. 
You may also skip this step if you wish. 

The process is now complete, enjoy your Chromebook!