SEND at Tytherington


The term ‘Special Educational Needs and Disabilities’ (SEND) has a legal definition, referring to children who have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn or access education than most children of the same age.
At Tytherington School we are committed to ensuring equal opportunities, inclusion and freedom from discrimination for all our students. We value all children in our school equally and strive to ensure that they enjoy equality of opportunity in all areas of the curriculum.


SEND Provision

Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are assessed when they arrive in school or as soon as their needs become apparent.

Some needs are quite mild, requiring no more intervention than high quality teaching, regular encouragement and monitoring; some children need carefully differentiated work, while others’ needs are greater, and may require one or more of a range of strategies, varying from extra support provided by a Teacher or Teaching Assistant to the delivery of specific learning intervention materials administered to small groups or even on an individual basis.

A record of every child on the SEND register logs their needs, the support they have received and their progress and is kept by the co-ordinator.

All teachers have a responsibility to identify and meet the special educational needs of students. Those children should be taught together with their peers as much as possible and have full access to the national curriculum. We understand that children make progress at different rates and have different ways in which they learn best. When planning lessons based around the National Curriculum, your child’s teacher will take account of this by looking carefully at how they organise their lessons, classroom, books and materials.


What are Education, Health and Care Plans?

These were introduced in September 2014. After this date students with existing Statements of Special Educational Need and Disabilities may have them updated to EHC Plans by September 2017. This is an excerpt from the SEND Code of Practice 2014 describing EHC Plans:

The majority of children and young people with SEND will have their needs met within local mainstream early years providers, schools or colleges. A local authority must conduct an assessment of education, health and care needs and prepare an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan when it considers that it may be necessary for special educational provision to be made for the child or young person through an EHC plan. This is likely to be where the special educational provision required to meet the child or young person’s needs cannot reasonably be provided from within the resources normally available to mainstream early years providers, schools and post 16 institutions. This statutory assessment should not be the first step in the process; rather it should follow on from planning already undertaken with parents and young people in conjunction with an early years provider, school, post-16 institution or other provider. EHC plans must be focused on the outcomes the child or young person seeks to achieve across education, health and care. EHC plans must set out how services will work together to meet the child or young person’s needs and in support of those outcomes. EHC plans will be based on a co-ordinated assessment and planning process which puts the child and young person and their parents at the centre of decision making.

Statutory assessment will not always lead to an EHC plan. The information gathered during an assessment may indicate ways in which the school, college or other provider can meet the child or young person’s needs from within available resources.


Your child’s progress at school

All children on the SEND register have an individual provision map and a Learning Profile which identify the child’s needs, targets areas of particular difficulty and record interventions. These documents identify the steps that are to be taken to support the child’s learning, learning targets and a date for reviewing progress. They are discussed with both the child and parents. Parents are invited to reviews which assess progress made under the current plan and set new targets.

Where the school alone does not have the resources to provide sufficient help for the child a full assessment is carried out and, if the authorities agree to a ‘Education, Health and Care Plan’ (EHCP), help is provided from central funds. This procedure applies to very few children.

Many children make good progress when given some extra help and are then no longer recorded on the SEND register; others will continue to need support if they are to make progress in the curriculum.


How accessible is the school?

The school is accessible for students with some physical needs. Adaptations include:

  • Ramps
  • Lifts
  • Accessible toilets in main areas of the school site

The school has been assessed by Visual Impairment specialists and adaptations have been made for visually impaired students such as highlighting tape for obstacles, yellow strips on stairs and thresholds. The school works closely with the Hearing Impaired Service to ensure that FM systems are compatible with each other. Accessibility options are used within the IT systems to ensure they are accessible to all.


Policies and contacts

We have a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities policy which is available to any parents. Our policy follows the new Code of Practice for pupils with Special Educational Needs 2014 and the Equality Act 2010.

  • Mrs E Healey is our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo).
  • Mrs J Timms is our HUB Manager.

Should you have questions about SEND provision at Tytherington, please do not hesitate to contact the school. You can click here to view our Equality information document.

If you would like further information regarding the new SEND Code of Practice, please click this link:

If you have any concerns or queries regarding your child’s SEND needs, please email the SEND Helpdesk:

The LS HUB and LINKS Teams offer support to any student with either an EHCP, SEND Support or another additional need such as a medical condition, dyslexia etc.


Key information about students is shared by primary schools prior to your child
starting at Tytherington so that we can share key information with teaching staff.

The HUB offers a variety of support for students such as:

  • HUB Tutor Group
  • Testing for additional support in assessments / exams
  • 1:1 / small group tuition
  • In-class specialist support
  • Typing lessons
  • Parent / school liaison
  • Social skills intervention
  • Speech and language support
  • Academic interventions
  • Dyslexia Teacher

Meet the LS HUB Team



LINKS is our Enhanced Mainstream Provision (EMP) that supports students
working at least 3 years below their peers. The students access an adapted
curriculum from Year 7 to 11.

Students will access the following subjects in LINKS:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • History
  • Geography
  • RS
  • Languages
  • Life Skills
  • Forest School
  • Guided Reading
  • Functional IT

Meet the LINKS Team



How are the needs of children identified?

To identify the need of our students all sources of information are used:

  • Primary school information
  • Key Stage 2 data
  • Parent feedback
  • SEND Review data
  • Key assessment results
  • Teacher observation
  • Teaching assistant observation

All students are assessed on entry using the following screening tests:

  • Reading test
  • CATS (Cognitive Ability Tests)
  • Numeracy screener

Note: Some students will trigger further assessments if their reading scores are significantly below that expected of their age. All students identified as requiring additional support with reading and spelling, will access academic interventions. All year 9s will be tested before starting Key Stage 4 to identify any additional need for their exams.

Students who have been identified as having additional needs in numeracy will complete a numeracy profile which identifies specific targets for them to work towards. This is reviewed on a half termly basis and new targets identified as necessary. When all assessments and information gathering are complete, a decision will be made regarding next steps. Those students identified as having additional needs will be offered appropriate interventions.


What do I do if I think my child has Special Educational Needs?

If you have concerns about your child’s progress the first step is to raise this with their Form Tutor.

If you continue to have concerns the next step would be to contact the Head of Year for that year group at:

Year 7 – Mr Henshall

Year 8 – Mr Cross

Year 9 – Miss Linaker

Year 10 – Miss Linaker

Year 11 – Mrs Rockett

Year 12 – Mr Fitzsimmons

Year 13 – Ms Fellows

Transition to Tytherington

Making the transition from primary to secondary can be a challenging time particularly for those students with additional needs.

To make this transition as successful as possible the following procedures are in place:

  • Transition Manager and SENDCo meet with Year 6 teachers and SENDCo’s of every primary
    where every student is discussed in detail.
  • Students with additional needs are identified by primary and information about their needs is
    passed on.
  • Students may be recommended for interventions such as targeted English and Maths support,
    break club, lunch club and Social Skills groups.

For each student where there are concerns over their transition individual plans are agreed. These
plans can include the following:

  • Visit with parents after school hours.
  • Visit with primary school staff during school hours.
  • Visit with parents during school hours.
  • HUB Transition workshops.

There are additional activities which involve all Year 6 students prior to them joining Tytherington
School such as:

  • Science days
  • PE Festivals
  • Technology Days
  • Tytherington School staff in primaries
  • Tytherington School staff giving assemblies in primaries
  • Open days
  • Open evening

Parents are very welcome to contact the SENDCo to meet and discuss their child’s needs or any
concerns they may have.


How might a student with SEND be supported after GCSEs?

All students in Year 11 have a meeting with the Director of Sixth Form and the careers advisor to discuss possible options post 16.

Students with additional needs can request additional meetings to explore in more detail how their needs can be met post 16 and what providers there are available.

The planning for those students with an Education Health Care Plan will start in Year 9. A Transition Plan is drawn up and then reviewed annually alongside the Senior Young Persons Advisor from Cheshire East Youth Support Service. During Year 11, a meeting will be arranged with the student and their parents and detailed plans are agreed. This can involve:

  • Visits to local colleges
  • Providing college prospectuses
  • Visits to other providers
  • Support with Modern Apprenticeship applications.

Students will have additional guidance in how to apply for jobs/college courses/modern
apprenticeships, preparing for interviews etc. on Post 16 Transition Days and through the HUB.
Links to local colleges:

HUB Transition Workshop dates

Workshop dates for the 2024 intake:

Tuesday 21st November, 2023 Year 6 Forensic Science Workshop
Wednesday 22nd November, 2023 Year 6 Forensic Science Workshop
Wednesday 6th March, 2024 Year 6 Art Workshop
Wednesday 15th May, 2024 Year 6 Non-feeder Extra Transition Workshop
Wednesday 26th June, 2024 Year 6 Parent Information Evening
Monday 8th July, 2024 Year 6 Taster Day

HUB Transition booklet

CEIAS Quick Guide to Post 16 Transition

CEIAS Quick Guide – Transition to Secondary School

What is the Local Offer?

The Local Offer is essentially the provision available for young people with SEND. This is a requirement laid out by the Children’s and Families Bill 2014 and the SEND Code of Practice 2014. The Local Authority will produce a Local Offer for Cheshire East and all schools will produce one for their establishment.

The LA Local Offer has 2 key purposes:

  • To provide clear, comprehensive and accessible information about the support and opportunities that are available; and
  • To make provision more responsive to local need and aspirations by directly involving young people with SEND, parents and carers and service providers in its development and review.

Schools Local Offer also should be designed with these key principles in mind.

SEND Information Report

SEND policy

Accessibility plan

Signposted services in Cheshire East

What is a Specialist Assessor?

The role of the Specialist Assessor is to conduct 1-to-1 testing in order to put Access Arrangements in place. A Specialist Assessor is “…an access arrangements assessor who has successfully completed a post- graduate course at or equivalent to Level 7, including at least 100 hours relating to individual specialist assessment.” JCQ AARA 2021/22 (pg76).


What is the purpose of Specialist Assessment?

The purpose of Specialist Assessment is to “level the playing” field so that all students have equal access to the examinations process. An assessor must ensure that no students are disadvantaged (or will gain an advantage) by putting arrangements in place.


What is being tested for?

We are only testing for 2 arrangements: Extra Time and/or Scribe (there are some minor exceptions). All other arrangements are “centre assessed”; evidenced by outside agency involvement and/or EHCPs (and the accompanying paperwork).


What is testing looking for?

When testing we have a number of tests to look for extra time. Even though the result is the same (i.e. 25% Extra Time) there can be a number of ways to qualify. Students may read slowly, handwrite slowly or process information slowly. We have various tests to look at processing speed.

Testing has two main elements:

  • The testing process
  • Teacher Observations

We need both of these for an assessment to be valid.

To qualify for a scribe, the student will undertake an untimed spelling test and score below 85, a scribe must be the student’s normal way of working.


What arrangements can be applied for?

All arrangements must be a student’s normal way of working. The majority of centre agreed arrangements do not require any paperwork for the JCQ inspection but, obviously, need to be recorded and shared within the school. All arrangements must have evidence.

The school must have a word processor policy in order to give students access to a computer in exams. As long as the student fulfils the requirements no other paperwork needs to be completed for JCQ. The Exams department need to be informed.

If a student has a reader/computer reader as their normal way of working there is no longer a need to test for this but an application must be completed and the SENDCo must evidence what the need is and demonstrate the normal way of working and that teachers support the arrangement.

Students with an arrangement for Supervised Rest Breaks do not require testing but a Short Concise File Note must be completed detailing the need and identifying that this is the student’s normal way of working.


What if my child has an EHCP, SEND or medical diagnosis?

Students with an EHCP; a diagnosis of ASC or ADHD; other medical diagnoses and any SEMH diagnosis must not be tested. Evidence will exist from other professionals that will serve as evidence. To be eligible for these special arrangements the students must meet criteria set out by the JCQ – The Joint Council for Qualifications.

Special arrangements include:

  • Reader
  • Scribe/laptop
  • Extra time
  • Prompt
  • Supervised Rest break
  • Modified/enlarged papers

We need both of these for an assessment to be valid.

To qualify for a scribe, the student will undertake an untimed spelling test and score below 85, a scribe must be the student’s normal way of working.

If these students require 25% Extra Time or a Scribe the SENDCo produces a Detailed File Note. Teacher Observation Forms must be completed that support the arrangements.

Students requiring more than 25% extra time must be tested even if they have an EHCP. The student must score below 70 in two standardised tests measuring speed of working in order to be referred to the exam boards for consideration. Teacher evidence makes up an integral part of the process.

For a student to meet the JCQ criteria not only must standardised assessments show their needs but there must be evidence that they have required that particular arrangement regularly in lessons in order for them to make expected progress. If a student makes expected progress in class without special arrangements then they do not meet the criteria.

Applications are made during the first year of the exam course and will cover the full 2 year course.


Where can I find further information?

A list of arrangements can be found in the Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments Regulations available at: -and-guidance/

It is not the tests or teacher observations that diagnose the need, it is the assessor.

Hub drop-in sessions:

Wednesday 4th October, 2023 6.00pm-7.00pm Welcome – SEND process
Thursday 11th January, 2024 6.00pm-7.00pm Year 9 Guided Choices Evening
Monday 5th February, 2024 9.00am-7.00pm Year 9 Guided Choices Day
Tuesday 30th April, 2024 2.15pm-3.45pm Student HUB Transition Day 1
Tuesday 11th June, 2024 2.15pm-3.45pm Student HUB Transition Day 2
Wednesday 3rd July, 2024 5.30pm-6.30pm Year 6 HUB Parent Meeting
Thursday 4th July, 2024 5.30pm-6.30pm Year 6 LINKS Parent Meeting

A member of the SEND team will be in available at all Parents Evenings for appointments to discuss any questions you may have.

Additional HUB Parent Calendar Dates will be posted here when they are available.
Please check back here regularly for any updates.