Policy Files
Accessibility Plan
2022 – October
Admissions Policy 2025
2024 – April
Admissions Policy 2024
2023 – April
Admissions Policy 2023
2022 – April
Advanced Learners
2016 – April
Anti-Bullying Policy
2023 – September
Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy
2016 – May
Attendance and Absence Policy & Procedure
2023 – September
Bereavement and Loss Policy
2020 – June
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy
2021 – July
Catch Up Premium Report
2021 – June
CEIAG Policy
2023 – November
CEIAG Provider Access Statement
2023 – April
Charging and Remissions Policy
2023 – November
Complaints Policy & Procedure
2022 – March
Conduct and Safety Policy & Procedure (Behaviour Policy)
2023 – September
Data Protection Policy
2023 – June
Data Retention Policy
2023 – June
Designated Teacher Policy
2023 – September
E-Safety & Internet Acceptable Usage Agreement
2015 – December
Early Careers Teacher (ECT) Induction Policy
2024 – June
Educational Visits Policy
2022 – July
Equality Information and Objectives
2024 – April
Exclusions Policy & Procedure
2024 – July
Gifts & Hospitality Policy
2016 – May
Health & Safety Policy
2023 – November
Lockdown Policy
2024 – July
Medical Needs Policy
2023- September
Mobile Phones and Other Devices Policy & Procedure – Students
2024 – February
Parents & Carers Code of Conduct
2022 – December
Pay Policy For School Teaching and Support Staff
2023 – September
Prevention of Extremism Radicalisation Policy (with Appendices)
2021 – October
Privacy Notices
2023 – July
Public Sector Equality Duty
2023 – September
PSHCE Policy
2021 – November
Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy
2024 – September
Safeguarding Policy (including Child Protection)
2024 – September
Safeguarding Policy COVID-19 Addendum
2020 – April
Staff Code of Conduct
2019 – June
School Uniform Policy
2024 – September
School Visitors Policy
2016 – February
Screening Searching & Confiscation Policy and Procedure
2023 – November
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy
2022 – September
Suicide Safety Policy
2019 – September
SEND Information Report
2022 – Spetember
Trustee’s School Improvement Priorities
2024 – May
TS Home-School Agreement
2014 – March
TS Integrity Code
2016 – November
Whistleblowing Policy
2022 – September
Word Processor Policy
2022 – October