Mr Botwe visits 10 Downing Street!

Our Headteacher had a particularly busy and interesting week. On Wednesday Mr Botwe was invited to Number 10 Downing Street to attend a reception hosted by the Prime Minister. This was followed by our Headteacher chairing a Q&A session with Sir Martyn Oliver who is His Majesty's Chief Ofsted Inspector.Mr...

Headteacher’s Notes 11th October

Dear Families,I hope you are well. Thank you for taking the time to catch-up on what we have been up to this week. As is typical of our busy school we have been involved in a range of events including hosting our final Open Morning for prospective Year 5 and...

Headteacher’s Notes 4th October

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS SWAY Dear Families,I hope you are well. Many thanks for joining me for another edition of the Headteacher's Notes. In this week's edition you can find details of the scheduled school trips for this year, an update on what our Sixth Form have been up...

Headteacher’s Notes 27th September

Dear Families,I hope you are well. Thank you for giving us your time this weekend to read the Headteacher’s Notes. I hope that you will get a glimpse of the vibrancy of our school community from the newsletter. You can read about what our Sixth Form have been up to,...

Headteacher’s Notes 20th September

Dear Families,I hope you are well. Thank you for giving up your time to read this week's edition of Headteacher's Notes. The school is completely back to normal after the excitement of last Friday. North West Electricity have identified the fault which resulted in power loss for the school and approximately 2,000...