Headteacher’s Notes 10th May
10th May 2024

Headteacher’s Notes Dear Families, I hope you are well. We very much appreciate you giving us 15 minutes of your time every week to take a look at what has been happening in school this week. Year 11s took their first all-cohort examination this morning. Well done to everyone involved, including parents who work so […]

Headteacher’s Notes 3rd May
3rd May 2024

Headteacher’s Notes Dear Families, I hope you are well. Thank you for joining us for this week’s Notes. As I write the introduction, I can see the Year 11 GCSE PE students preparing for their GCSE moderation today. This week many of our Year 11s and 13s have been involved in various examinations including Art, […]

Headteacher’s Notes 26th April
26th April 2024

Headteacher’s Notes Dear Families, Thank you for joining us for the latest edition of the Headteacher’s Notes. Yet again it has been a busy week in the life of the school as we head into the summer examination season. This week our Year 11 linguists have been completing their GCSE Oral Examinations, our Art students […]

Headteacher’s Notes 19th April
19th April 2024

Headteacher’s Notes Dear Families, I hope you are well and had a restful Easter break. We have enjoyed a positive start to the term and I have been particularly impressed with how the Year 8 have approached their assessments. A big thank you to the Beech Hall School Trust Limited who kindly made a donation […]

Headteacher’s Notes 28th March
29th March 2024

Headteacher’s Notes Dear Families, I hope you are well. Thank you for joining me this morning. As is typically the case in the final week of term, it has been busy and I’ve been impressed by how much we have achieved. I have enjoyed seeing the great work on display as part of our “Proud […]

Headteacher’s Notes 22nd March
22nd March 2024

Headteacher’s Notes I hope you are well. Thank you for your time this week. This has been eventful week with students being involved in a range of activities across the school. The Year 11s and 13s are deep into their revision schedule as they prepare for their summer examinations which will start in a few […]

Headteacher’s Notes 15th March
15th March 2024

Headteacher’s Notes I hope you are well. Many thanks for joining me for another edition of the school newsletter. As I write, the school is in the midst of a series of fundraising activities for this year’s Comic Relief. Several students have been baking throughout the week for a cake sale and the day will […]

Headteacher’s Notes 8th March
8th March 2024

Headteacher’s Notes I hope you are well. Thank you for joining me this week. I am writing this introduction from a hotel room in Liverpool as I am currently at the Association for School and Colleges Leaders (ASCL) National Conference in my capacity as Vice President. One of my responsibilities as Vice President is to […]

Headteacher’s Notes 1st March
1st March 2024

Headteacher’s Notes I hope you are well. It has been a very productive week in the life of Tytherington School. The students have returned from the half-term break with a focused and purposeful attitude. As you will be aware, one of our core school values is being prepared. It certainly was the theme of this […]

Headteacher’s Notes 16th February
16th February 2024

Headteacher’s Notes I hope you are well. I am pleased that you could join me for this week’s edition. Well done to the Year 13 students who have had their first week of mock examinations. These will continue in the first week back after half-term. This week I have been dropping into Year 11 lessons […]