Extra Curricular

Duke of Edinburgh's Award

Application Information

This Application Window will open in September 2024. All information below is regarding the 2023/2024 Duke of Edinburgh programmes and expeditions.



The system for application for the Bronze (Year 9) and Silver (Year 10) Duke of Edinburgh’s Award in the 2023/24 academic year is strictly open until 11:45pm on Tuesday 31st October 2023 – please note that no further applications will be accepted after that time.

Applications are to be submitted online by the deadline of 11:45pm on Tuesday 31st October 2023. A complete application consists of:

  • Complete the online Duke of Edinburgh’s Award 2023/24 Application Form by clicking here.
  • Payment of the at least the first instalment via ParentPay.

Please note that both parts of the application must be completed in full for the application to be valid. Any applications made with incomplete details, or the first instalment is not paid by Tuesday 31st October 2023 will not be processed.

Bronze Award
Silver Award
Due Dates
There will be a discount applied for any students in receipt of the “Pupil Premium” (PP) and/or “Free School Meals” (FSM):
PP only = 30% discount
PP and presently FSM = 40% discount
Instalment 1
Due following completion of application to confirm the application
Tuesday 31st October 2023
Instalment 2
Due six weeks prior to the practice expedition
26th January 2024
Instalment 3
Due four weeks prior to the qualifying expedition
Silver – Friday 5th April 2024
Bronze – Friday 10th May 2024
Cost “in full”
Option to pay in full after completion of the application
Tuesday 31st October 2023

Participation in the DofE Award is subject to payment being received by Tytherington School’s Finance Office.

Payment is to be made in full or in instalments through our online ParentPay system, as set out in the table below. Any failure to pay the instalments by the dates shown on the application form will lead to participants being removed from the Award without refund of any amounts paid.

We offer financial support for those students in receipt of the Pupil Premium – please contact Mr Andy Pilbury (Deputy Headteacher) directly about this via email apilbury@tytheringtonschool.co.uk and indicate receipt of the “Pupil Premium” and/or “Free School Meals” (FSM) in the online application form.




Volunteering Section
Physical Section
Skills Section
Expedition Section
Programme Ideas – What to do to complete the section. Check if it meets requirements
Download Ideas Sheet
Download Ideas Sheet
Download Ideas Sheet
Programme Planner – Plan the activity for this sections and upload to eDofE
Download Planner
Download Planner
Download Planner
Activity Log – Keep track of your hours spent on activity
Download Activity Log
Download Activity Log
Download Activity Log
Other Resources
See Training & Qualifying Expedition Information and Resources section

Volunteering Section Information


When we become aware of opportunities for volunteering in the local area, to help you with completing your volunteering hours as part of the Dukeof Edinburgh’s Award, we will post them here:

Blu Penguin Swim School

Are offering you the opportunity to complete your volunteering hours as a pool helper within their swimming lesson programme, based at Kings School Sports Centre in Macclesfield.  Our swimming lessons are on Wednesday evenings between 6pm & 8pm and also during the weekends. Please contact Emma Pengelly directly emma@blupenguin.co.uk for more information.

Holy Trinity Hurdsfield “Kidzone”

HTH are offering volunteering opportunities of 2 hours per fortnight for up to 4 young people to work with their Kidzone club. Contact Jared Brown via jared@hthmacc.com or by calling the church on 01625 424587 for details.

Scoop & Scales Refill Shop, Macclesfield

Interested in helping to preserve our environment? Volunteers sought to help in our community cooperative shop which aims to reduce food waste and single use packaging. More information at: www.scoopandscales.co.uk Volunteers under the age of 16 are to be accompanied by an adult. If interested, please email: scoopandscales@gmail.com.

Gawsworth Community Shop

Gawsworth Hub is a not-for-profit organisation. They are registered with the FCA as a Community Benefit Society, operating for the benefit of the local community, being accountable to the local community and having broad community impact. In addition to a community shop, they now also have a community café and meeting place. As such, they can offer volunteer placements in both retail and hospitality ( weekends and school holidays) . There are also one-off projects that volunteers can get involved with such as organising events. The Hub has a strong track record of supporting young people undertaking volunteering as part of DOE and those looking to enhance their employability skills. Their website provides more information about our valuable community asset. They would welcome any enquires about the opportunities they have on offer. I can be contacted on 07967 408865 or by email volunteering@gawsworthhub.co.uk

Pearson Sports and Fitness Coaching

Jordan Pearson, of Pearson Sports and Fitness Coaching, is offering you the opportunity to complete your volunteering hours with his after-school sessions, held at Tytherington School. If interested, please contact Jordan Pearson directly via email – jordanpearson@pearsonsportsandfitnesscoaching.com

St Paul’s Beaver Scout Group

Beaver Scouts are 6 to 8 years old. We meet on a Wednesday evening between 6pm and 7pm at St Paul’s Church Hall, Glegg St, Macclesfield. We are looking for 1 or 2 volunteers who are over 14 to join us to help support the children as we run a fun and varied programme of activities. This would suit anyone who’s been in the Girl Guide or Scouting movements themselves, or anyone who’s interested in working with children.
For more information contact stpaulsbeavers@hotmail.com

‘Rookie Lifesaving’ course at Bollington Leisure Centre

Completing this course will go towards your Skill or Physical section of your award. Contact Fiona Ford at Bollington Leisure Centre for details

Macclesfield Amateur Swimming Club

The Club runs on a Tuesday night at Macclesfield Leisure Centre on Priory Lane, with two children’s sessions 7pm till 7.30pm, then 7.30pm till 8pm. Over the years we have had a number of Tytherington pupils learning to swim with the Club and many have gone on to help either as assistants in the water or as coaches on pool side. We have also had Duke of Edinburgh students volunteering as part of that particular scheme. Everyone who helps at the Club is a volunteer. No one is paid. The Club has been helping the children of Macclesfield to learn to swim in a relaxed, non-competitive and affordable way for over 125 years. We rely heavily on volunteers either in the water or on poolside and would ask that you make year 10 – 13 pupils, and also any DoE students aware of the opportunity to join us. Any keen swimmers amongst members of staff and parents would be extremely welcome too. There is an adult swim session from 8pm till 8.30pm which volunteers are able to enjoy free of charge. For general information our prices from September will be £50.00 per swimmer, per term regardless of age. This is for one of the either of the children’s sessions or the adult swim. We can be contacted via our Facebook page or via our website (this is still under construction). Alternatively email at macclesfieldamateurs@aol.com.

Skills for Life Cookery Workshop

The Speckled Hen cookery school provides cookery workshops based at the Terra Nova School – click here for the flyer.

IBM SkillsBuild

Offers a wide range of digital courses and certifications in tech and professional skills that are highly sought after by employers today. By completing these courses, DofE participants can fulfil the Skills section of their Award, as well as help their future employability. Here are just a few examples of the courses available:

  • Preparing for your First Job
  • Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals
  • Explorations into Mindfulness

To be able to register for a IBM SkillsBuild account and progress towards your Skills section of your award, please contact Mr Pilbury – apilbury@tytheringtonschool.co.uk

Macclesfield Seals Swimming Club

Macclesfield Seals, a swimming club for people with disabilities, are looking for volunteers.

  • Just one hour a week at Macclesfield Leisure Centre (SK10 4AF).
  • Every Friday between 7.30pm & 8.30pm.
  • Our volunteer age range is 14-81. 

Contact Macclesfield Seals via 07768 405409, or by emailing to macc.seals@ntlworld.com

Expedition Section Information


Expedition Dates: 2023/2024

The following dates have been agreed with Get Outside the Classroom for the 2023/24 academic year:

Expedition Element
Bronze Award
Silver Award
Pre-Expedition Training Days
Monday 8th January 2024
Practice Expedition
Saturday 3rd & Sunday 24th March 2024
Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th March 2024
Qualifying Expedition
Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th July 2024
Friday 17th to Sunday 19th May 2024

Information about the specific expeditions will be posted here when they are published and please also see the Get Outside the Classroom DofE Expedition Handbook and the Expedition kit care guide for kit lists and other advice.

Training Day and Qualifying Expedition Resources

Pre-Expedition Days
Pre-Expedition Training Day
Monday 8th January 2024
Download Information Letter
GOtC Pre-Expedition Links Sheet
Training Expeditions
DofE Training Expedition Online Resource & Information Evening
Monday 4th March 2024 at 18:00
View Presentation
View Recording
Training Expedition (Bronze Award)
Saturday 23rd & Sunday 24th March 2024
Download Letter
Training Expedition (Silver Award)
Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th March 2024
Download Letter
Qualifying Expeditions
Qualifying Expedition (Bronze Award)
Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th May 2024
Download Letter
(Inc. Drop-Off, Expedition & Pick-Up Locations)
Qualifying Expedition (Silver Award)
Friday 17th to Sunday 19th May 2024
Download Letter
(Inc. Drop-Off, Expedition & Pick-Up Locations)