Learning Through Lecture
18th November 2020

Our first Tytherington Lecture Day of the current academic year took place on Thursday, November 12. Unfortunately, due to current restrictions, we were not able to provide a live event, therefore the lectures have been pre-recorded and posted on Firefly. This has the advantage that students and other members of the school community can access […]

Tytherington School Remembers
17th November 2020

Students at Tytherington School were involved in a week of activities and events to mark 75 years since VE Day and VJ Day.  Like many other organisations, Tytherington School had to adapt their remembrance activities because of the ongoing covid-19 pandemic. British Legion Display Year 11 textiles students helped to create a powerful reception display […]

Headteacher’s Notes 13th November 2020
13th November 2020

Headteachers Notes Welcome to another edition of the school newsletter. Despite the new national restrictions, the students have been busy making progress in school. I would like to take this opportunity to p… Go to this Sway

Headteacher’s Notes 6th November 2020
6th November 2020

Headteachers Notes It has been great to welcome back the students to school after their well-earned half-term break. Our whole school attendance is just below 94% which compares favourably with the current na… Go to this Sway

Headteacher’s Notes 23rd October 2020
23rd October 2020

Headteachers Notes What a half-term it has been! It has been a tremendous challenge for us all. For me, I would have to say that this has been the most rewarding term of my career. It was a really special mom… Go to this Sway


Freedom Technology Chromebook Offer to Tytherington School Students Dear Families, As you will be aware, schools across the nation are turning to online platforms to enable students to continue to learn whilst self-isolation remains in place. We have been actively using FireFly as our platform in combination with Office 365. In the short-term… As you […]

Headteacher’s Notes 16th October 2020
16th October 2020

Headteachers Notes It gives me great pleasure to introduce this week’s edition of the Headteachers Notes. Talk of “second waves”, “tiers” and “lockdown” will alarm many. If you’re like me, any time your phone… Go to this Sway

Headteacher’s Notes 9th October 2020
9th October 2020

Headteachers Notes Please can I thank you all for your efforts to ensure that we can keep open to as many students as possible. At the time of writing, we have moved to a total of four confirmed covid-19 case… Go to this Sway

Headteacher’s Notes 2nd October 2020
2nd October 2020

Headteachers Notes It was always going to happen. This week we had our first confirmed student case of covid-19 in the school. The student is doing well and will be back to 100% in no time. I am very sorry fo… Go to this Sway

Tytherington School nominated for a TES Schools Award
29th September 2020

Congratulations to Mel Stockdale who is a Teaching Assistant at Tytherington School for her nomination for a prestigious TES Schools Award. Mel Stockdale has been nominated for Schools Environmental Champion of the Year. Headteacher, Manny Botwe, commented on Mel’s nomination: “This is a tremendous achievement for the school. We could only nominate one member of […]

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