Sixth Form Applications and GCSE Results
17th August 2020

Dear Families, I hope you are well. I recognise that this is a particularly anxious wait for GCSE results. Year 11 were denied the opportunity to sit your examinations and prove yourselves. I am sure that the events of the last few days in relation to post-16 results will be causing a great deal of […]

Well done to the class of 2020
13th August 2020

This is one of the most difficult press releases I have had to write as a Headteacher. I know that this has been a very anxious time for many students and their families as the nation has had to come to terms with the effects of a global pandemic. We are all very sorry that […]

Virtual Summer Show
23rd July 2020

As you know, the final week of term is traditionally the time when we would have our summer production. This year, we have been unable to perform in the way that we would have liked to. Not wanting to go a year without a performance, Ms Fellows and a team of students put together a […]

Headteacher’s Notes 22nd July 2020
22nd July 2020

Headteachers Notes I hope you are all well and safe. It is wonderful to be able to write to you for the final Headteacher’s Notes of the year. I think this is the eighteenth consecutive Headteacher’s Notes th… Go to this Sway


Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy As promised within the original “Freedom Technology Chromebook Offer to Tytherington School Students” message, the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy is now ready and published and can be viewed by clicking here. As explained within the offer message below, the BYOD Policy links with the “Freedom Technology Chromebook […]

September School Re-opening Letter – 17th July 2020
17th July 2020

Dear Families, As you will be aware, the government has made it clear that it is their intention for all students to return to school in September. As promised, I am writing to give you some more information about the steps we are taking in school to ensure a safe re-opening to all students. Please […]

Headteacher’s Notes 17th July 2020
17th July 2020

Headteachers Notes I am delighted to welcome you to the penultimate Headteacher’s Notes of this academic year. We will produce a final edition on the last day of term on Wednesday. Please be on the lookout la… Go to this Sway


On 2 July, the Department for Education (DfE) published guidance to support schools in England with full reopening from the beginning of the autumn term 2020. This can be viewed by using the following link: Although the guidance provides flexibility for schools to apply the guidance to their own contexts, it does include a […]

Equipment Essentials for Every Lesson
16th July 2020

Due to government guidelines regarding COVID-19 transmission we will no longer be able to lend equipment to students in lessons.  Please therefore find attached an updated Essentials Equipment list for September.  A full pack of this equipment may be purchased via ParentPay for £4.50 and individual items can be purchased from the school office. There […]

Headteacher’s Notes 10th July 2020
10th July 2020

Headteachers Notes I hope you are well and that your families are safe. Welcome to another edition of the Headteacher’s Notes. As you will be aware, the government will allow schools to welcome back all stude… Go to this Sway

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