Takeover Day at Tytherington School!
21st November 2016

Enthusiasm rocked Tytherington School as students once again took over their teachers’ and other staff roles for National Take Over Day. On Friday 18th November, nearly 100 students worked alongside teaching and support staff, including the Headteacher. Many of the roles students took on included opportunities to develop leadership skills such as public speaking, time […]

US Election Debate at Tytherington School
17th November 2016

Students at Tytherington School were treated to a special US Election lecture from Dr Jon Herbert, Director of Teaching and Learning at Keele University and Lecturer in US Politics. The masterclass unpicked the key discussion points from the recent US Presidential Election. The audience ranged from our relatively new Year 7s to year 13 Politics students. Manny […]

Tytherington Remembers
11th November 2016

Ninety-eight years after the guns ceased firing on the Western Front during the First World War, Tytherington School fell silent on Friday morning to remember our fallen soldiers. A special bell rang at 11am and the school joined together to observe a two-minute silence. The commemorative event was led by students in our school who […]

Headteacher’s Notes 11th November 2016
11th November 2016

Read about Ghostly Tales for Halloween, Year 8 Able Maths Challenge, A New Police Cadets Programme and more in the latest edition of Headteacher’s Notes. http://www.tytheringtonschool.co.uk/HeadteachersNotes/Headteachers_Notes_11_Nov_2016.pdf

Official Recognition for Outstanding GCSE Results
18th October 2016

It is official! Parents will remember how we reported in the summer, our fantastic GCSE results. You can now compare Tytherington with schools all around Cheshire East across the full range of measures following the link: https://www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk We are proud to announce the following: The highest percentage of students achieving a C or above in […]

Headteacher’s Notes 7th October 2016
7th October 2016

Read about Charity Fundraising, Students Enter the Dragon’s Den, Student Success at National Dance Competition and more in the latest edition of Headteacher’s Notes. http://www.tytheringtonschool.co.uk/HeadteachersNotes/Headteachers_Notes_7_Oct_2016.pdf

 A-Level Results Tytherington School is celebrating yet another year of record-breaking results. These results include superb performance at the highest grades, as 34% of all exam entries received A* or A grades, including 13% at A*. A record-breaking 64% of all exam entries were graded A*-B and 88% A*-C. The pass rate remains at 100%. […]

Headteacher’s Notes 23rd September 2016
23rd September 2016

Read about the Bags of Help Initiative, Students in the Community, National Charity Recognises Excellence in Art and more in the latest edition of Headteacher’s Notes. http://www.tytheringtonschool.co.uk/HeadteachersNotes/Headteachers_Notes_23_Sep_2016.pdf

Tesco Bags of Help Initiative
22nd September 2016

Tytherington School has secured at least £8,000 as it has been shortlisted for a “Bags of help” award. As you will be aware, over the last year, a group of students have been renovating a piece of derelict land on our site. The Gardening Club aims to develop teamwork and community. Our work has been […]

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