Headteacher’s Notes 9th October 2020
9th October 2020

Headteachers Notes Please can I thank you all for your efforts to ensure that we can keep open to as many students as possible. At the time of writing, we have moved to a total of four confirmed covid-19 case… Go to this Sway

Headteacher’s Notes 2nd October 2020
2nd October 2020

Headteachers Notes It was always going to happen. This week we had our first confirmed student case of covid-19 in the school. The student is doing well and will be back to 100% in no time. I am very sorry fo… Go to this Sway

Headteacher’s Notes 25th September 2020
25th September 2020

Headteachers Notes I hope you are well. As we come to the end of the third week, I have to say that I am delighted by the way the students have returned to school. I understand that the ramping-up of the nati… Go to this Sway

Headteacher’s Notes 18th September 2020
18th September 2020

Headteachers Notes It has been another action packed week for staff and students here at Tytherington School. There have been many highlights for me personally. It has been great to meet many of our new Sixth… Go to this Sway

Headteacher’s Notes 11th September 2020
11th September 2020

Headteachers Notes It has been the highlight of my career to welcome back all of our students this week. I am grateful for the many messages of support and I know that the overwhelming majority of students ha… Go to this Sway

Headteacher’s Notes 22nd July 2020
22nd July 2020

Headteachers Notes I hope you are all well and safe. It is wonderful to be able to write to you for the final Headteacher’s Notes of the year. I think this is the eighteenth consecutive Headteacher’s Notes th… Go to this Sway


Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy As promised within the original “Freedom Technology Chromebook Offer to Tytherington School Students” message, the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy is now ready and published and can be viewed by clicking here. As explained within the offer message below, the BYOD Policy links with the “Freedom Technology Chromebook […]

Headteacher’s Notes 17th July 2020
17th July 2020

Headteachers Notes I am delighted to welcome you to the penultimate Headteacher’s Notes of this academic year. We will produce a final edition on the last day of term on Wednesday. Please be on the lookout la… Go to this Sway


On 2 July, the Department for Education (DfE) published guidance to support schools in England with full reopening from the beginning of the autumn term 2020. This can be viewed by using the following link: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/actions-for-schools-during-the-coronavirus-outbreak/guidance-for-full-opening-schools. Although the guidance provides flexibility for schools to apply the guidance to their own contexts, it does include a […]

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