External Review of Governance
4th February 2019

You may be aware that during the summer term of 2018, the Governing Body undertook a voluntary external review to reflect on the board’s strengths and areas for development. The review was conducted by Ruth Agnew who is a former local authority governor services manager and an experienced governor trainer and consultant. Ruth is the […]

Headteacher’s Notes 1st February 2019
1st February 2019

Headteachers Notes A huge thank you for your support and patience this week as we responded to the snow which hit Macclesfield this week. The students have been incredibly accommodating and we are back to nor… Go to this Sway

Over the winter period, it is always good to be prepared, just in case, for extreme weather conditions (including snow and ice)… Tytherington School will always aim to remain open so that students can continue their learning. Should it be the case that it is unsafe to keep the school open owing to extreme weather […]

Headteacher’s Notes 18th January 2019
18th January 2019

Headteachers Notes It gives me great pleasure to be able to present to you the latest edition of the Headteacher’s Notes. It has been yet another busy week which has involved several sporting fixtures, key st… Go to this Sway

Exam Contingency Day June 2019
16th January 2019

The devastating act of the Manchester bombing on the 22nd May 2017 led to national examination boards and the organisation that oversees them (the Joint Council for Qualifications – JCQ) realising that acts such as that or others that have such a wide-reaching impact need to be planned for. They have therefore introduced a national […]

Consultation on the Admissions Policy for 2020
16th January 2019

In line with the statutory duty of admissions authorities to consult on amendments to admissions arrangements, please find attached the proposed new Admissions Arrangements for Tytherington School for admissions in September 2020 and onwards. As a statutory consultee, we invite your comments on the proposals in the consultation period which will run for 6 weeks from today, 12 December 2018. The Governing Body […]

Headteacher’s Notes 20th December 2018
20th December 2018

Headteachers Notes Many thanks for a wonderful term. A great deal has happened during this term and we are grateful for the support of our local community. We have celebrated some fantastic results and taken … Go to this Sway

David Rutley visits Tytherington as part of Parliament Week
17th December 2018

David Rutley MP gave Tytherington School’s students an opportunity for a Question and Answer session on Friday 14th December. The visit was the final event of Tytherington’s Parliament Week which is an initiative designed to raise political awareness amongst young people. Tytherington School have held a number of events over the past fortnight including visits […]

Headteacher’s Notes 14th December 2018
14th December 2018

Headteachers Notes Welcome to another edition of Headteacher’s Notes. As I write my introduction, I can see a large group of students making their way to the Manchester Christmas Fair. This is yet another rem… Go to this Sway


Dear Parents/Guardians, At the key times of the day when students are being dropped off for and picked up from school this inevitably leads to an increase in the volume of traffic in the area surrounding our school and we recognise that this has great impact on Badger Road, Beech Farm Drive, Tytherington Park Road […]

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