Year 7 Advanced Learner Programme
8th January 2016

Tytherington School has launched a pioneering project which aims to stretch academic high flyers in Year 7. Several Year 7 students are part of the programme which aims to provide additional challenges for youngsters. As part of the project, students accept Secret Mission assignments designed to challenge and stretch them inside and out of the […]

Headteacher Toasts First Term
7th January 2016

A headteacher is celebrating his first term at a school. Manny Botwe said his first term at Tytherington School has been ‘excellent’, with a great sense of community. He said teachers and the leadership team were ‘extremely approachable’, resulting in students feeling ‘well supported and looked after’. He said: “There are very few schools I’ve […]

Transport Update
5th January 2016

Thank you to all of you who have responded to our survey about school transport. The result of this is that there is a high demand for transport to the school from many areas and we have decided to start by looking at the Whaley Bridge, Kettleshulme, Rainow, Hurdsfield, Buxton Road to Tytherington School route. […]

Takeover Day comes to Tytherington School!
17th December 2015

Enthusiasm rocked Tytherington School as students took over their teachers’ roles for National Takeover Day. On Friday 20th November, over 20 students worked alongside teaching and support staff, including the Headteacher. Many of the roles students took on included opportunities to develop leadership skills such as public speaking, time management and collaboration. Students from all […]

Headteacher’s Notes 11th December 2015
11th December 2015

Read about the Transport Update, Students supporting the local Community and the Christmas Concert in the latest edition of Headteacher’s Notes.

Dangers of Dropping off at Badger Road & Manchester Road
15th November 2015

Please can we alert you to the danger posed by dropping off children in the roads around the school, and particularly in Badger Road and on Manchester Road. With respect to Badger Road we have been made aware of how sudden braking in the road led to a parent having to put their brakes on […]

Headteacher’s Notes 12th November 2015
12th November 2015

Read about Remembrance Day, PE Awards Evening and The Friends of Tytherington School in the latest edition of Headteacher’s Notes.

Report Colours Consultation Outcome & Grading Reforms
30th October 2015

Report Colours Consultation Outcome Thank you to all parents that responded to the “Report Colours Consultation” as part of the parent survey that we carried out in October 2015. As you can see from the chart below there was an overwhelming preference expressed to retain the present format with colour-coding of red, amber and green […]