Headteacher’s Notes 28th June
2nd July 2024

Headteacher’s Notes Dear Families, I hope you are well. Well done to the staff and students for another great week in the school. The Year 10 and 12s have worked incredibly hard for their mocks and we have been impressed with their attitude. Thursday evening represented the full cycle of school life. We welcomed our […]

Headteacher’s Notes 21st June
21st June 2024

Headteacher’s Notes Dear Families, I hope you are well. Thank you for giving us 15 minutes of your time to find out what we have been up to this week. So much has happened in the last few days. Well done to Year 10 who started their mock examinations this week. On Monday we held […]

Headteacher’s Notes 14th June
14th June 2024

Headteacher’s Notes Dear Families, I hope you are well. I’m delighted to introduce this week’s Headteacher’s Notes. As per normal, the school has been buzzing with a range of events and activities. The Year 11 and 13 can see the end in sight with only a few more public examinations left. We enjoyed welcoming some […]

General Election Hustings
13th June 2024

Tytherington School is hosting a General Election Hustings on Saturday 29th June at 4.30pm. Doors open at 4.15pm. We will no longer be restricting tickets to under 30s, but the questions asked of the candidates will still focus on issues that are most relevant to our youngest voters. All seven candidates standing in Macclesfield will […]

Headteacher’s Notes 7th June
7th June 2024

Headteacher’s Notes Dear Families, I hope you are well. Thank you for your support in ensuring that the students have returned from the half-term break ready to learn and engaging well with their studies. It has been particularly impressive to see how students have got stuck into a range of activities this week. A particular […]

Headteacher’s Notes 24th May
24th May 2024

Headteacher’s Notes Dear Families, Great to join you all this week. It is a real pleasure for me to write this introduction to the Headteacher’s Notes this week as so much has taken place in school over the last seven days. We were delighted to host a Transition Day for students joining us from non-feeder […]

Headteacher’s Notes 17th May
17th May 2024

Headteacher’s Notes Dear Families, We are very appreciative that you have taken the time to read the latest edition of the Headteacher’s Notes. So much has taken place in school over the past week and it is a pleasure to be able to share the great work with you. Year 11 and 13 students have […]

Headteacher’s Notes 10th May
10th May 2024

Headteacher’s Notes Dear Families, I hope you are well. We very much appreciate you giving us 15 minutes of your time every week to take a look at what has been happening in school this week. Year 11s took their first all-cohort examination this morning. Well done to everyone involved, including parents who work so […]

Headteacher’s Notes 3rd May
3rd May 2024

Headteacher’s Notes Dear Families, I hope you are well. Thank you for joining us for this week’s Notes. As I write the introduction, I can see the Year 11 GCSE PE students preparing for their GCSE moderation today. This week many of our Year 11s and 13s have been involved in various examinations including Art, […]

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